Stay up to date on technical development, research, and our progress.
This blog post explains how we fuse YOLO and MiDaS to perform 3D object tracking with monocular cameras.
This is a guide on how to set up a Intel® RealSense™ Camera and its pyrealsense2 library on the Jetson Xavier NX platform.
We presented our position paper Towards a Platform for Smart City-Scale Cognitive Assistance at the IEEE VR 2021 DISCE Workshop.
This is a guide on how to install a Python computer vision environment on the Jetson Xavier NX platform.
Thomas was invited to Radio NJOY to talk about the experiences of being in the early stages of founding an academic spin-off.
We are excited to announce the CognitiveXR initiative, and our first project CognitiveAR that was funded by a Netidee 2020 grant.